Growing a diverse and committed Network of stakeholders is critical to imagining and realizing a robust statewide Farm to School program in Rhode Island.The Network’s structure allows for differing level of engagement with members, Communities of Practice, Action Committees, and a Leadership Council.
Anyone interested in farm to school activities, whether local foods in schools, gardens and growing activities, or food, nutrition, and agriculture education programs, can join the Network as a member by subscribing to our eNews.
Those who want to engage more deeply with a specific area of interest can join a Community of Practice (COP) or an Action Committee (AC) where the core activities of the Network are planned and organized.
The Leadership Council, which serves as the overarching decision-making body for the Network, is comprised of sector and organizational seats and determines the Network’s direction, including policies, membership structure, fundraising initiatives, communication platforms, action committees and goals. Elected council members actively promote the RI Farm to School Network with colleagues and constituents across the state and region and participate fully in consensus-making decisions with Action Committee leaders to ensure Network goals are achieved.
RI Farm to School Network
RI Farm to School Network
Leadership Council
Stephanie Pike, Chair
Farm & Sea to School Director
Farm Fresh RI
Sara Amin
Asst. Professor, Community Nutrition Ed. Director
University of Rhode Island
Sarah Blau
Nutrition Coordinator
RI Department of Health
Sara Churgin
District Manager
Eastern RI Conservation District
Kendra Doe-Mode
Farmer, Community Gardener & Educator
Jason Evans
Dean, College of Food Innovation & Technology
Johnson & Wales University
Mark Federico, Jr.
V.P. Operations
Narragansett Creamery
Sarah Hashem
Director of Youth Programs
Groundwork RI
Amelia Lopez
Food Access Associate
Southside Community Land Trust
Caitlin Mandel
Farm to Child Nutrition Program Specialist
RI Department of Education
Solange Morrissette
District Manager
Rachel Newman Greene
Food Access & Nutrition Security Program Director
RI Food Policy Council
Jack Sisson
Chief Program Development, Agricultural Grants
RI DEM, Division of Agriculture
Karin Wetherill
RI Healthy Schools Coalition